Erran holds speaking events and workshops each month. Come and see him in action! See a list of our events here.

Nutrition Workshops

So much of the healthy eating advice we receive is complex and muddled that it can be difficult understanding it. Many people also find that many nutrition workshops or events are judgemental, leaving them feeling awkward or unhappy about the choices they make.

Our nutrition workshops are far more forward-thinking and positive. Our practitioners are trained to deliver these sessions in a way that make them fun and interactive, without losing the very clear messages about healthy lifestyle choices.

Nutrition workshops for your employees

Our bite-sized sessions are perfect for getting information across to large numbers of people in a pleasant atmosphere. Our healthy eating workshops have a key objective – and that is to ensure everyone not only has the information they need but how to act upon it if they want to.

With one-third of our daily calorie intake eaten while at work, supporting employees to make healthy food choices can also help you to look after your business’s most important asset – its people.

Our fun and interactive Nutrition Workshops have been specifically designed to boost the wellbeing of your employees by making it easier for them to embrace a healthier eating lifestyle. On a Natural Alternative healthy eating workshop, our nutritional experts provide all the essential information on how to eat well and why it can lead your team to be healthier and happier, both in the workplace and in their everyday life.

Healthy eating workshops

No matter how large your team of employees, our workshops are effective in getting the healthy eating message across in a positive, informative and non-judgmental way. Rather than overloading our sessions with complex facts and detail that can be hard to digest, our Nutrition Workshops are delivered in accessible sessions that are enjoyable and memorable.

We recognise that with so much information, advice and sound-bites on food and nutrition out there, it can be difficult to know what the healthiest food choices are to make. Our team of professional nutritionists take the essential scientific facts on nutrition and build them into a healthy eating session that informs, inspires and motivates. Our approach is to create a relaxed and informal atmosphere, where everyone feels comfortable and open to making any changes that may be necessary to their personal eating habits.

And with all the ‘bite-sized’ nutrition essentials, tips and tricks gained during the session, your employees will leave their Natural Alternatives Nutrition Workshop with all the tools they need to build a healthier eating lifestyle.

What our workshops can do for your employees

Health and wellbeing are important for your employees – the healthier and more active your workforce is, the more productive in their home and work life they will be.

Healthy eating is also essential to their overall performance and, with the improved energy and concentration, boosted immunity and reduced risk of illness that comes with a balanced diet, the impact of good nutrition not only benefits your employees but also your business.

A Natural Alternative healthy eating workshop is a great way to support your team and make a long-lasting investment in their health and wellbeing. All the information and guidance we provide in the workshop are easy to take on board and the delicious food plans and meal ideas quick and simple to make.

Even small changes worked into their daily routine will have a positive effect on your employees’ overall health, which can only have a positive impact on performance and productivity in the workplace. And that is an investment worth making. Just take a look at our Pricelist to see how little you can invest for long-term changes. We can tailor our nutrition workshops sessions to suit the individual needs of your employees. Whether it is for a small team or a larger corporate event or training day, our team of health professionals can create the perfect healthy eating workshop for your business needs. Call for more information on 0207 175 0052 or contact us using the button below.

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